About Us

MapleWorxz® Sugar House provides our customers with pure Michigan organic maple syrup made the traditional way with a wood fired evaporator and skills passed on since 1949.

Whatever we do starts with family.

We love to do things together and it’s been that way for generations. Our family also enjoys the opportunity to meet many friends and neighbors who visit us during the Maple Sap run and lend a hand as we evaporate the sap.

Excellence for generations

With the assistance of two other families and our children, we continue to produce syrup from the same 38-acre maple woods that our grandfather and father tapped for many years.

MAking the syrup

We add nothing but our time, patience and a process based on quality and excellence in every step.

Evaporator Hearth

Having the original evaporator hearth that my father purchased in 1949 which made syrup for countless years, we decided to rebuild the hearth, with the old hearth as a template. Once insulated, rebricked and mortared, it was ready for the evaporator and new syrup pan to begin the season.

Taste the Michigan Tradition!

Our Maple Syrup is made the traditional way with no Reverse Osmosis to take the water out of the sap before evaporating. We continue to use wood to fire our evaporator and employ all the latest testing procedures and equipment to assure the best quality.

Meet the ones who make the syrup.

Thom Bardwell

As the family leader, I spend most of my time on the farm enjoying the activities that my grandfather and father engaged in… some more pleasant to do than others. One of the more pleasing activities is making Maple Syrup each spring and carrying on a tradition—one that you can’t wait to start while at the same time, hoping that the weather permits the sap to run at least 4 or 5 weeks so that you can end the season well. As a family, we have plenty of help from others in cutting wood, gathering sap and help in running the evaporator, all which makes the many tasks easier. We take pride in our Maple Syrup and the tradition that my grandfather and father started.

Karla Bardwell

I like to spend time doing the things that makes the family what it is today. Always there to help with either a helpful word or hand, I like the activities when we are all together making Maple Syrup. Snacks, coffee, meals and treats are always needed at the Sugar House where the activity and conversations are continuous. While the syrup is being made, I do all the canning and all the tasks that go with filtering and bottling the Maple Syrup while also keeping the records. Whether with family or friends in the Sugar House, I’ve always enjoyed helping in carrying on the traditions of the families Maple Syrup making.

Dr. Aaron Bardwell

I am a Naturopathic ND Doctor and am in charge of establishing a customer base and distribution network for MapleWorxz in Michigan and illinois.  After graduating from medical school, I moved back to Michigan and established the “Beyond Health & Wellness Center” practice and continue to learn the family Maple Syrup process with the intent of carrying on the tradition just as my father continues to do. You may ask, why do I like being at the Sugar House during the Syrup season? Well, there is nothing quite like breathing in the sweet aroma of the evaporating sap, experiencing the tranquility of the forest and the fellowship with friends and family while creating a product that brings people together around the table.

Jessica Bardwell

When I married Aaron I knew I was marrying into a family of traditions, traditions that I now embrace as my own. The farm is a place where we come together as a team and everyone pitches in. Whether it’s hauling and washing tanks or just being there, ready to help wherever is needed, there’s really no boring task when you work alongside people you love.

Our pure, authentic,  maple syrup is available for purchase!

Our pure, authentic,  maple syrup is available for purchase!

If you happen to be in the area, be sure to pay us a visit. Selling locally, our syrup is canned in a variety of common sized glass containers which is another family tradition.
If you happen to be in the area, be sure to pay us a visit. Selling locally, our syrup is canned in a variety of common sized glass containers which is another family tradition.
If ordered online through our website, we use only Food Grade plastic containers that are made for maple syrup to ensure shipping integrity.