Jul 6, 2022 | Healthy Insights
Organic Maple Syrup is best one can produce as it provides the process controls and certifications to assure consistency and flavor. Our evaporation process avoids the new methods of “process streaming” to reduce the processing time by removing water from...Jan 16, 2021 | News from the Woods
With much of the 2020 turmoil behind us, our family looks forward to March as the time of gathering together to produce our special “Taste the Michigan Tradition” maple syrup. We looked back at the end of this past year and created our first ever short...
Jan 24, 2020 | News from the Woods
The Southern Michigan Maple Syrup Weekend will be in March on the 21st and 22nd allowing anyone who would like to visit and see the process of making Michigan Maple Syrup! In the Michigan Thumb region, MapleWorxz will be hosting tours at our Sugar House on Saturday...
Nov 18, 2019 | News from the Woods
Father said there were those who made syrup and then those who made Maple Syrup and he and his father were the later. They took pride in making the best tasting Maple syrup around and that tradition carries on with our family today. What does that mean as a...