Organic Maple Syrup is best one can produce as it provides the process controls and certifications to assure consistency and flavor. Our evaporation process avoids the new methods of “process streaming” to reduce the processing time by removing water from the sap with reverse osmosis techniques. The difference is that we continue to evaporate maple sap the traditional way, that is with a wood fire with a “sap to syrup” process void of these technology additives. The result assures the customer the best maple syrup taste. Asking the question “How do you know” provides the segue into being awarded the Michigan Maple Syrup Association’s Best of Show and Best Amber Maple Syrup in the state in 2020. Still not convinced, just try our maple syrup and “Taste the Family Tradition” yourself and like many of our customers, you may even conclude that it is the best maple syrup you’ve ever tasted!
MapleWorxz® Advantage
Jul 6, 2022 | Healthy Insights