The yearly Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association (OEFFA) Organic certification took place with a four-hour detailed review of our Forestry, Maple, and Bottling and Handling process steps, Our compliance and record keeping are continuous as we track lot numbers and reconcile the lots and type of bottles we filled last March. OEFFA assures that we only sell what we make and that it is pure organic syrup. With our MDARD kitchen certification, our customers receive the best practices in cleanliness and handling assuring no additives. 

TThe MapleWorxz™ Standard Operating Procedures documents the maple syrup process and quality controls used to make maple syrup. The SOP allows the certifier to become familiar with the maple process and is used as a cross reference to OEFFA’s certification criteria.  The certifier engages in questions, takes pictures and writes continuously documenting every certification criteria and step. The culmination of the certification audit results in an Exit/Corrective action list with two items to be completed for the 2022 audit next year. The first item pertained to the certifier checking to see if all our labels are on file and in compliance. The second note added a section to our Maple Notebook to document our Pest Control process to ensure that pesticides nor bait is used in or near the Sugar House. Compliance requires documentation when we use sticky traps Ie.when and where placed, how long and effectiveness. 

Our Organic Certification was affirmed and allows us to use the USDA and OEFFA symbols on our maple syrup labels.  As we prepare for the upcoming maple syrup season, we have renewed confidence our MapleWorxz™ maple syrup continues to meet high standards and expectations of our family and customers. 

The Maple Syrup certification audit and Acupuncture comparison? Neither are comparable however result in assuring superior results through expertise in delivery.